Friday, November 30, 2012

Chatanooga...Several Days of Fun!!

What treasured times we had visiting with the sweet Jones family!! Travis, Charity, Zethan and Eliana have been in Chatanooga for about seven years and they are doing really well!! Man, it was sooooo good to see them...we just talked and talked and talked. Zethan is almost 5 and Eliana is 2 1/2 and both of them are just too cute!! Travis and Charity are doing great as well and really enjoying Chatanooga. He is still a pastor at Silverdale Baptist Church and Charity is a homeschooling, stay at home mom who ministers through a ladies Bible study and a mentorship to a Muslim lady with children that are the same ages. We got together for three evenings and enjoyed such sweet fellowship!! Our last night we all went out to dinner at a fun hamburger joint in downtown Chattanooga. Hopefully they will come visit NM when we return because we sure do miss them already :-)


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  1. Hello! Do you regularly utilize online social media websites?
