Sunday, July 15, 2012

Mammoth Site

We drove to Hot Springs, South Dakota for a full day of adventure which began with the Mammoth Active dig site museum. This was totally cool because we got to see an active, archaeological dig site as things were being uncovered. This site is special because it was created in an ancient "sink hole" where hundreds of animal fell in and were preserved. They were not petrified like fossils, just preserved under layers and layers of mud. Mammoths (two different kinds...Woolly and Columbian) were the main animals found in the sink hole, but coyote, rabbits, short-faced bear, wolves and a camel-kin were uncovered as well. All of the mammoths found thus far have been male. They have unearthed approximately 60 mammoths so far but still had at least 45 feet of depth to dig. They only dig 6-8 weeks in the summer, and then spend the rest of the year processing what they have uncovered. We all really enjoyed this museum and can HIGHLY recommend it for anyone traveling to the Mt. Rushmore area!! We ate our picnic lunch there on the museum grounds and went to the Hot Springs water park, Evan's Plungle for the rest of the afternoon. The water was a perfect, continuous 87 degrees and there were 3 water slides and "Tarzan rings" to try to cross. This was a super fun way to spend our afternoon!





  1. I love the new format with pictures. What memories you are creating. We made it a point to take our kids somewhere each year to see our country.
    Frontier Town at NP will have a grand opening this week. Twenty people worked hard last Saturday to spread bark. Alex's project is almost finished!
    Wesley and Abby were bike riding one weekend and were concerned when they saw a vehicle at your house. I told them it was the new family moving in.

    1. Sooooo good to hear from you Sue!! Thanks for the updated on Nature Pointe like...wish we were there to enjoy Frontier Town and the upcoming Star and JP wedding!! It will be quite the event, I'm sure. Tell Wesley thanks for keeping an eye on our house while we are out :-)). Yes, it was rented a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully the family is enjoying the house and the wonderful Clubhouse and neighbors. Blessings to you and yours, Holly

  2. Love seeing the pictures! Looks like so much fun!

  3. I'm sooooo excited! I just figured out how to publish a comment after trying to figure this out for weeks and weeks! All is good here. We have been getting some afternoons rains, would love more. It's warm. Our solar system is going in this week. Kevin has entered the studying arena for the captains test on the 24 and won't come out!!!! I've been working lots of extra shifts, Ryan's been working at Sandia Pool, Faun's at Camp Oro Quay and Harley has been taking cake decorating, sewing, painting, and swimming lessons! All in all, having a great summer. We miss you guys terribly! It's fantastic to see you now and I've so enjoyed the blog. I've even started following on my I-phone, it's not as hard as I thought it would be. Love you guys!!

    1. Yeah!! I'm soooooo glad to hear from you and we are missin y'all sooooo much as well!! Sounds like life is crazy at your place?! Tell Kevin we will be praying hard for him on the 24th!! We are confident that he will do great :-)). Sooooo glad to hear about the kiddo's summer...they are all growing up so fast! Just know that I luv ya and pray for you often sweet sister!! ((big hugs)) to you!

  4. Don't remember seeing this as a place to go when there 3 years ago. We leave Friday after JP and Star's wedding and hope to pull in by 5:00 on Saturday. May have to check Mammoth Site out as it sounds so neat. Hope you enjoyed your time there and are off to a great many more adventures!
