Happy Birthday Jesus was celebrated by the Lionbarger family in Savannah, Georgia. We have so very much to be thankful for, but none more important than the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow and Lionbarger blessings are certainly overflowing!! We love and miss all of our family and friends and we look forward to seeing all of you next year :-)
Lila had lots of fun things arrive for Christmas...wallet, purse, clothes, movie, Beanie Ballz, and an iPod...she is all smiles!! |
Luke snagged some ping pong paddles, clothes, movie, paper airplane folding book and a DS game...and his favorite Dallas Cowboys cap!! |
Paige made-out like a bandit with all things fashion...clothes, shoes, mustache belt, ear cuffs, purse, plus movie, gift cards and Just Dance 4 for the wii. |
Madeline got great things as well...these snazzy, multi-purpose personalized blankets (all kids got them, she is just modeling it best) plus clothes, movie, books, purses, head bands, ear rings, Nook cover and cash!! |
Fun things for John...Logo hat, clothes, ax for the camper, cologne and a watch. |
I am so blessed...I received wonderful things for my kitchen (new cutting board and antique teapot set), several pieces of lovely jewelry and some napkins to match my snowflake dishes back home! It was a special Christmas!! |
John got a Lobo hat...not logo hat...stupid iPad auto-correct!!