Our homeschool room in the camper!! It actually works great! I sit on the footstool there at the front and facilitate/help. If someone needs some "quiet" study time, they go sit in the kitchen :-)). If you look closely you can see their storage bins with their individual curriculum in it. |
Well, just like most every other child in the country...the Lionbarger cubs officially resumed their education this Monday. We are having to figure out how this homeschooling on the road will look!? So far, so good. This Monday started just like all of the other Mondays usually do at home...lots of tears :-((. Three out of the four, to be exact :-)). I even offered a reward for those one(s) who didn't cry...and the winner is...Paige!! One day, when I don't have a Monday without any tears...I will throw a big party and invite everyone I know to come and celebrate with me!! Tuesday was much better...went to a museum in the morning and did school in the afternoon. We went to the Museum of Natural History and that is sooooo much fun and we all enjoyed the morning there!! They each had do pick a subject to go home and research more about and write a paper on...so here were their topics of interest for the week... Madeline surprised me with a topic of "how do crystals form". Paige (as I totally expected) chose a rock to research...willemite to be exact...glow in the dark rocks that I must admit are really groovy!! Luke chose "bird eating tarantulas" to learn more about...these things are truly horrific looking and he was sooooo excited to learn about them, that he did his paper today!! And Lila chose to learn more about her favorite animal...the fox. Today (Wednesday) was a wonderful day :-)). We got most of our school done by the morning and no tears!! Tomorrow I think we plan to go to Mt. Vernon so this will again be a wonderful school day. We will do lots of on site learning there tomorrow :-)). Well, I will close for now. Hope this finds you all getting along well in this first week back to school. We are still enjoying our adventure very much and still have lots more to see and learn about!! We love and miss our family and friends!! Blessing, Lioness
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