I've done it...we're back online with the blog and I'm so happy because you just HAD to see who our special Valentine was who joined us for dinner...and with her, came much LOVE!!

When John was cooking our chicken fajitas on the grill for dinner that night, a stray kitty (we estimate she was about 6 months to a year old) came to see if we would share our meal...and of coarse, WE DID!! Slowly she began to trust us and we even coaxed her into our camper with the irresistible chicken. She reminded us so much of home and she warmed up to us so much that we seriously thought of taking her on the road with us and bringing her back home. She even stayed in our warm, cozy, loving camper all night and slept in bed with Lila!! The next morning, she went out, did her potties and then came back inside to have her breakfast :-). Man, we really wanted to keep her...but when we tried to put her in the truck as we were leaving, she jumped out of our hands and ran off into the woods. We all cried as we pulled out of our campground that morning...never to see our sweet friend again :-(
She was automatically partial to Lila |
We had our bellies AND our hearts full on that night!! |